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BlackBerry Z3 Sells Out on First Day in Indonesia (Pictures)

05.17.14 / Eric Lai

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Indonesian consumers lined up at stores around Jakarta on Friday to buy our new Z3 smartphone, which sold out on its first day of availability in the Indonesian capital.

Reviews of this affordable-but-powerful handset were not only pretty good, but customers in Jakarta responded – strongly.

Here are some of the pictures taken by BlackBerry employees at our main launch event in the upscale Central Park Mall in west Jakarta showing consumers lining up on Friday. (Check out pics of second-day sales here)

Entrance to the Z3 Queue at Central Park Mall in Jakarta on Friday

Customers waiting in line for the Z3 before the Central Park Mall opened.

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Indonesian customers trying out the Z3 and its localized features inside the Central Park Mall in Jakarta on Friday.

According to my Asian colleagues, first-day sales of the Z3 were several times stronger than for our other recent BlackBerry 10 handsets. Feedback from our retail and distribution partners indicates that sales will likely continue to be strong throughout the weekend.

Check out BlackBerry Facebook for the full photo album of pics from Central Park, or BlackBerry Indonesia on Twitter to see more up-to-date pictures from Jakarta.

About Eric Lai