Analyze This! New Add-On to BlackBerry Dynamics Enables Better, Smarter, More Secure Application Management
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Analyze This! New Add-On to BlackBerry Dynamics Enables Better, Smarter, More Secure Application Management

Picture this: after months of planning, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in development costs, your business rolls out a custom, secure mobile application to its employees. It’s supposed to revolutionize their workflows, enabling better collaboration and connectivity across the organization. Six months later, however, you come to a crushing realization – instead of using the application you deployed, employees continue to use a hodgepodge of unsupported, insecure third-party solutions.

Your carefully-crafted application has amounted to nothing more than wasted time and sunk costs.

It’s a scenario that’s more common than you’d think. According to a recent Forrester survey, 91% of employees agree that much of the workplace software they use is clunky, and that 69% of employees seek an engaging mobile-first work experience. To provide such an experience, however, you must first understand how your employees work, including how they use the tools you’ve provided them.

Analyze This (Application)

That’s why the recent release of BlackBerry Dynamics – the secure foundation for our own suite of productivity applications – now includes BlackBerry Analytics (above), a powerful application-focused business intelligence tool.

Available through a secure, standalone web portal, BlackBerry Analytics today shows exactly how and where employees are using our BlackBerry Dynamics applications, including BlackBerry Work for mobile e-mail and personal information management, BlackBerry Connect for mobile IM, BlackBerry Share for access to document repositories, BlackBerry Access, BlackBerry Tasks, and more. Metrics trackable through Analytics include daily and monthly usage, duration of usage, device type usage, and daily active usage.

BlackBerry Analytics even lets you drill down to user engagement by feature, and add your own custom metrics, so you know exactly what’s being used. In short, BlackBerry Analytics provides the insights for you to make better decisions to further increase business productivity – and to ensure that no application ends up in the garbage can again.

Superior Security, Flexibility, and Ease of Use

Part of BlackBerry Secure, our comprehensive endpoint-focused approach to mobile security, BlackBerry Dynamics is a powerful, feature-rich development platform and mobile application container. Designed to eliminate the risk of data leakage with proven application-level security, it’s built from the industry-recognized BlackBerry Dynamics Secure Container, which offers the gold standard for securing mobile applications.

While Analytics supports our BlackBerry Dynamics suite of applications today, you can expect us to add the ability to analyze your internally-built custom applications as well as applications built by outside ISVs in the coming weeks using the BlackBerry Analytics SDK. It supports on-premises, cloud, and hybrid deployment models, and allows businesses to securely deliver data and applications to devices they don’t control.  You can roll out whatever applications you need to whatever devices you need them on.

Finally, the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK is purpose-built to make the entire application development process more efficient, effective, and secure. All applications built with the SDK automatically inherit Dynamics’ leading security, which operates independently of device-level security. More importantly, the SDK makes it easy to integrate functionality from BlackBerry UEM or Workspaces into your applications, allowing your dev team to focus on innovation, not busy work.

Building a Better Enterprise

BlackBerry Dynamics ensures that every enterprise stakeholder in the development process can focus on what they do best, without interference from anyone else.

IT can protect enterprise data across all applications and devices, and create a full lifecycle management plan for applications, whether custom-built or otherwise. Developers can take advantage of a robust set of shared services to deliver applications quickly. And finally, application owners across all lines of business can maximise productivity by delivering a wide range of applications – without the need for independent IT approval.

In short, BlackBerry Dynamics helps your organization achieve its mobile goals faster, with better usability and security across the board, and now visibility with BlackBerry Analytics.

For more information about BlackBerry’s updated software portfolio, check out our overview blog. You can also read more about BlackBerry Workspaces, BlackBerry UEM, or our application suite.

Chris Hazelton

About Chris Hazelton

Chris Hazelton is Director, Product Marketing for Enterprise Software at BlackBerry. A former analyst at IDC and 451 Research, Chris has been working in management and security for enterprise endpoints for over 10 years.