Ask any organization in the market for an enterprise mobility management (EMM) solution what their top requirements are and they’ll probably say security and productivity, but not at the cost of sacrificing innovation. For many Canadian firms such as the City of Waterloo; Samuel, Son & Co., Limited; and Volker Stevin, they do not have to look far to achieve this goal. Today, these customers announced their deployment of BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 (BES10) and BlackBerry 10 smartphones.
City of Waterloo
In BlackBerry’s hometown, the City of Waterloo continues to grow its pioneering spirit with the deployment of BES10 and BlackBerry 10 smartphones for its workforce. It has also collaborated with BlackBerry to develop Ping Street, a first-of-its-kind mobile application that provides Waterloo citizens real-time access to location-based information, and initiated the use of BBM™ Groups for emergency communications.
Samuel, Son & Co.
Transitioning to a new EMM solution is a big decision for CIOs. At Samuel, Son & Co., Limited, Canada’s oldest and largest metals service center and metal manufacturing company, CIO Bob Carter had great confidence in BlackBerry as their core end-to-end business mobility solution.
“The powerful combination of BlackBerry 10 smartphones and BES10 offers us an integrated mobile device and server solution that meets our highest security and productivity needs. BlackBerry also offers a best-in-class customer service experience and product training support, which makes deploying BlackBerry 10 a great value proposition overall.”
Volker Stevin
Volker Stevin, one of the largest heavy civil and highway maintenance contractors in Western Canada, evaluated other MDM solutions like MobileIron and AirWatch before opting for user-friendly and cost-effective, BES10.
“We have hundreds of employees on and off the field, and they all require one thing – fast, secure and consistent communication tools,” said Mike Philip, Wireless Program Manager, Volker Stevin.
These companies join diverse organizations from various industries across Canada who have ordered, downloaded or installed BES10 to date. BES10 also offers organizations the ability to manage BlackBerry, iOS and Android devices from a single, highly secure, reliable platform.
About Nadia S.
I lead the Customer Success Program at BlackBerry. I am always on the lookout for stories that highlight our customers' successful and innovative use of BlackBerry solutions. Check out more stories here: