Inside BlackBerry for Business Blog
Earlier this week, the Apple Watch was officially launched. Although there was a great deal of fanfare surrounding the announcement, many observers remained unconvinced.
“At this moment,” wrote The Verge’s Nilay Patel just after the launch announcement, “it still feels like an awful lot of interesting ideas without a unifying theme.”
Here’s the thing, though – even if Apple doesn’t get it right, someone else will. As you can see from the chart below, the smartwatch market is already booming, and that’s just a sign of what’s to come. Last year, Samsung topped the market, closely trailed by startups such as Pebble and Fitbit and giants such as Sony, Lenovo and LG (the latter three all creating Android Wear-based devices, upon which our BBM communications app now runs).
In the coming years, it could be anyone’s game: the wearable computing market is projected to grow to 485 million device…
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