Last Friday, BlackBerry, in partnership with the Churchill Club, hosted an event featuring a conversation between CEO and Executive Chairman John Chen and Rich Karlgaard, best-selling author and publisher of Forbes magazine.
The Churchill Club is Silicon Valley’s premier business and technology forum. The non-profit organization has been around for almost 30 years and includes 7,000 members. It is known for dynamic, in-the-news programs where global business and thought leaders meet to discuss and debate, inform and educate, forecast and evaluate. The organization presents up to 40 programs each year in support of innovation, economic growth, and societal benefit, with an emphasis on actionable takeaways and insights.
The intimate breakfast brought together some of the leading business leaders and thinkers in Silicon Valley with BlackBerry executives, customers, media and industry analysts. John Chen spoke about the role of security in mobility, the importance of providing cross-platform solutions, what it’s like to lead a company in a turnaround and more.
Watch the full video of the hour-long discussion and Q&A via the YouTube video below:
About Nadia S.
I lead the Customer Success Program at BlackBerry. I am always on the lookout for stories that highlight our customers' successful and innovative use of BlackBerry solutions. Check out more stories here: