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How Does Facebook Feel About PRIV?

Laughing Woman Talking On BlackBerry PRIVBlackBerry’s first-ever secure Android phone, the PRIV, has now been out for several weeks, and everyone from major reviewers to satisfied customers can’t stop talking about it. It’s not just buyers, either. As I’m certain you’ve seen, reddit, the media, and the greater Internet still have plenty to say about the device.

Facebook, too. See for yourself(and don’t forget to check out buyer commentary, as well):

Comment: BlackBerry for life!

Comment: So you can access android apps on this??? My dream phone!! I WISH I hadn't just got a 2 year Contract

Comment: Solid hardware

Comment: Well done blackberry

Comment: BB u r blackberry

Comment: Keep the dream alive BB !

Comment: Awesome!

Comment: Want one now

Comment: Very cool looking

Comment: Baddest innovation that blend with perfection ever graces the #TechnologyWorld

Comment: It begins again, Blackberry reinvents the Smart in smartphone

Comment: I'm so excited about this phone

Comment: BlackBerry was the best phone maker ever...

Take my money!

PRIV Facebook Comment Thread

Woop woop daddy wants his new phone now

Comment: I guess I am BlackBerry biased. No issues with any, moreso my current Z30. Looking forward to the PRIV!

Comment: BlackBerry hug and keyboard and all the Android apps, I want one

Comment: Already fell in love with it...

Comment: I want one. Had to switch to android last year...

Comment: ONce a BlackBerry always a BlackBerry! 15 years already and awaiting the Priv!!

Comment: It's a miracle. Black. Bold. Beauty. Brilliant. Bravo. BlackBerry

Have you purchased your PRIV yet? Check out our Getting Started with PRIV guide to set it up, transfer your old data and become a power user fast.

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About Nicholas Greene