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BlackBerry Blog

BlackBerry Statement on U.S. Immigration Ban

NEWS / 01.30.17 / John Chen

Like many of you, I am disheartened and do not agree with the sharpness of President Trump’s executive order and immigration ban.

Many technology companies, both in the U.S. and in Canada, were founded by immigrants. At BlackBerry, more than half of the executive team and many of our employees – including myself – are immigrants, so we see firsthand every day the value and benefits of legal immigration. While there is a need to protect citizens, we must also preserve our strength in diversity.

In addition, President Trump has spoken of his desire to ease doing business globally, and this does not help in that regards. If this does not get resolved in a more compassionate manner, it will hurt trade, especially if the ban expands beyond these seven countries.

We hope that this new administration will find better ways to handle such matters in the future. I encourage everyone to continue to seek out and build diverse teams like we do at BlackBerry. Companies and the countries we live in will be better for this.

(Note: BlackBerry Chairman and CEO John Chen spoke earlier with BNN about these issues:

John Chen

About John Chen

John Chen is former Executive Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of BlackBerry.