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BlackBerry Opts In for Privacy

At BlackBerry, we make it our business not to know your business. This mindset has led us to be one of the most trusted mobile security software providers in the world. We believe privacy is paramount. It’s because of this I felt the need to address recent news surrounding the FCC’s Internet privacy rule which would have banned Internet providers from collecting, storing, sharing, and selling certain types of customer information without those customers’ consent.

Even though the legislation was signed on Monday night, I want to reassure employees and customers that BlackBerry will continue to provide the highest standard of security, which includes an opt-in approach as it provides the most protection. Our privacy policy will not change. We do not look to monetize our customer’s information and imperil their privacy.

While it is great the U.S. government is taking steps to ease regulatory burdens on business, encroaching on privacy is something everyone in the tech industry should stand up against. By working together to protect our customers’ private information we can send a clear message that Americans’ privacy is not for sale.

John Chen

About John Chen

John Chen is former Executive Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of BlackBerry.