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Using AI to Overcome Cybersecurity Risks

Legacy systems are the lowest hanging fruit for malicious threat actors. As we know, most attackers will get into your systems using the easiest method available, and legacy systems are equivalent to leaving your front door not just unlocked, but wide open.

Currently, the maintenance and upkeep of legacy infrastructure absorbs as much as 75% of the allocated IT budget.

In his paper, Legacy Systems are the “Lowest Hanging Fruit”: Improving Information Security by Applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Modernized Systems, Cylance’s Chief Security & Trust Officer and ICIT Fellow, Malcolm Harkins, explains how to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in order to protect legacy systems.

Harkins urges organizations to begin using modernized systems, which exhibit far fewer inherent vulnerabilities, but cautions that even these modernized architectures can be compromised. In the paper, he uncovers just how AI can even the playing ground for those playing defense against the constant onslaught of threat actors and cyberattacks.

Read Malcolm Harkins’ paper, along with contributions from other cybersecurity experts and ICIT Fellows, which offer a wide-ranging look at some of the most impactful cybersecurity defenses that should be leveraged by public and private sector organizations: Next Generation Defenses for a Hyper-Evolving Threat Landscape: An Anthology of ICIT Fellow Essays, Volume 1.

Essay Topics Include:

  • Encryption
  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  • IT Modernization
  • NIST Risk Management Framework
  • Data Security
  • Cyber Intelligence Fusion
  • ICS / SCADA Incident Response
  • User Behavior Analytics
  • Layered Security Policies

The Cylance Team

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Our mission: to protect every computer, user, and thing under the sun.

Cylance’s mission is to protect every computer, user, and thing under the sun. That's why we offer a variety of great tools and resources to help you make better-informed security decisions.