Over the past several years, a proliferation of endpoint security products have entered the market. With many products that seem to tout similar capabilities and benefits, security professionals have to make tough choices when it comes to securing endpoints.
To gain some insight into this process, Cylance surveyed hundreds of security professionals asking probing questions. During this webinar, we will dive into the results and discuss what your peers think about:
- Endpoint security priorities
- The biggest risks to the security of their business
- Legacy vs. next-gen security products
- How to evolve the security stack
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018
Time: 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST
Register for this webinar discussion with Doug Cahill, Senior Analyst of Cybersecurity at Enterprise Strategy Group and Steve Salinas, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Cylance®.
If you are curious to see how your current security strategy stacks up with your peers, or are looking for data points to support your next endpoint security purchase, this webinar is for you.