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Webinar: Securing Healthcare - The Strategy of Prevention

WEBCASTS / 09.26.18 / The Cylance Team

Healthcare organizations attract cybercriminals while also facing devastating legislative fines for data breaches. Join representatives from Tufts/Wellforce and Phoenix Children’s Hospital to hear how they secure their data with predictive AI engineered by Cylance.

Discover how these healthcare professionals have successfully navigated:

  • A complex security framework with layers of existing security products
  • A threat landscape teeming with new malware and zero-day threats
  • Protecting a diverse mix of endpoints and applications (i.e. laptop, in-room EKG monitors, in-surgery monitors, etc.)
  • Achieving compliance with multiple regulatory requirements (NIST, HIPAA, HITECH, PCI-DSS)

Learn how to mitigate risk and keep your healthcare organization protected with the predictive AI of CylancePROTECT® and CylanceOPTICS. We look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 11:00 AM PDT | 2:00 PM EDT



  • Malcolm Harkins, Chief Security and Trust Officer at Cylance®
  • Taylor Lehmann, CISO at Tufts/Wellforce
  • Dan Shuler, CISO at Phoenix Children’s Hospital
The Cylance Team

About The Cylance Team

Our mission: to protect every computer, user, and thing under the sun.

Cylance’s mission is to protect every computer, user, and thing under the sun. That's why we offer a variety of great tools and resources to help you make better-informed security decisions.