Everybody gets hacked eventually – right?
We’ve all been trained to believe that prevention is not possible, that an adversary will always get around every last layer of defense to get to your ‘crown jewels’ – whether that be access to your company’s server, your bank account, or even your personal medical information.
As organizations, we’ve come to accept - and sometimes even to anticipate - that we’re going to be compromised. That reactive mentality shift occurred because the controls we’ve deployed have failed us too many times in the past. This is a formidable mental challenge for everyone in the industry to get past.
In this video, Cylance Chairman and CEO Stuart McClure, Chief Security and Trust Officer Malcolm Harkins, and Worldwide VP of Sales Engineering Gabe Deale offer us their thoughts on why a prevention-first approach to security is always better than an after-the-fact, reactionary approach.
Prevention is possible. The technologies that will allow us to achieve prevention today were not available 10 years ago. Let’s make the most of them today – learn more here.