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RSA Conference 2019: Ales and AI Roadshow

NEWS / 02.22.19 / The Cylance Team

The foundation of every beer is yeast, a powerful single-celled organism found everywhere in the world. Yeasts break down basic ingredients to generate complex (and delicious) mixtures, like bread and beer.

Experienced cicerones, the beer experts of the world, hone their senses to the degree that they can distinguish these complexities to identify the very building blocks of beer – everything from the ingredients to their exact origins – and all with a single taste.

Where beer has cicerones, computer endpoints have Cylance® - an AI-native security solution that can similarly sense the building blocks of malware and instantly know exactly what these unique ‘ingredients’ are, and what they are going to attempt.

Register now to join Cylance on March 4th, 2019 at our new roadshow, Ales and AI, to explore the complex worlds of beer and AI, and learn how they go hand-in-hand.

You’ll learn about the latest hacking techniques, and you’ll also have an opportunity to ask our experts any questions you may have.

(And yes - beer, wine, and appetizers will be served.)

Venue: 3rd Street Tap Room - 251 Third Street - San Francisco, CA 94103
Date: Monday, March 4, 2019
Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM


If you’re going to RSA this year, don’t forget to visit Cylance at booth 6145 in the North Hall, or click here for full information about Cylance at RSA. We look forward to seeing you there!

The Cylance Team

About The Cylance Team

Our mission: to protect every computer, user, and thing under the sun.

Cylance’s mission is to protect every computer, user, and thing under the sun. That's why we offer a variety of great tools and resources to help you make better-informed security decisions.