Get In: The Connected Vehicle Podcast From BlackBerry (Episode 2)

By now we’ve all heard about cars that can drive themselves – but what about one that can also pay for itself? It’s a groundbreaking approach that will open up new revenue streams for automakers while delivering a wealth of exciting new features for car and fleet owners.
Welcome to the second episode of “Get In: The Connected Vehicle Podcast from BlackBerry.” This series will explore the possibilities created by – and technologies behind – the revolution in global transportation we are witnessing today.
In this episode, we meet Sterling Pratz, serial entrepreneur, former racecar driver, and current CEO of Car IQ, a company that’s paving the way for exciting capabilities that will forever redefine the concept of “pay as you go.”
New Cars, New Capabilities
Pratz’s company was built on his long-time love of cars, and his expertise regarding how technology can solve problems and provide advantages. The modern era of cars, particularly electric ones, is all about connectivity, and the capabilities and convenience that they can bring. Car culture has switched from horsepower and speed to the services, safety and comfort each car can deliver to its occupants. This journey starts with drivers being able to take their “world” – everything they love and need – right along with them, everywhere they go: from their favorite road trip soundtrack to their contacts and address book, maps and directions, games and entertainment, and more.
But it can go much further than that. A key cornerstone of the connected car is seamless payment capabilities – so you can buy what you want, whenever and wherever you want, all without ever pulling out your wallet again. That’s where Car IQ comes in.
Pratz realized that financial connectivity was fundamental to making the addition of services to a vehicle seamless, and it would solve one of the fundamental problems for drivers, fleet operators and manufacturers alike. Cars and their occupants are constantly paying for services such as refueling, road tolls, parking, licensing, and less pleasant things like traffic tickets and fines. The total quantity of money being transferred for these services extends to hundreds of billions of dollars every year. But currently all these scenarios use separate, often incompatible, payment services that can be hard to operate. Car IQ allows merchants to accept payments directly from vehicles, and for vehicles to make and receive payments themselves.
“We got our opportunity through Citibank,” says Pratz. “I was already starting to build an early working product. I came in to meet the CIO of Citibank, Vanessa Colella, and started telling her about what we were doing, how we were going to make it more secure, and how we were going to create a new identity that the vehicle itself would own and would use to communicate with merchants and banks. She said: "That's fascinating." Not a bank in the world trusts a machine to transact without some intermediary form of payment - like a credit card - to sit in the middle. And that was the light bulb that I really needed.”
Currently, banks don’t trust Internet of Things (IoT) devices as conduits for payment, due to their potential for fraudulent activity. They would like to, but trust is a central requirement for all financial transactions. A key element for fraud prevention with humans making payments is knowing the typical habits and locations for that user, so that actions out of this pattern can trigger a warning and stop potential fraud. Car IQ creates a parallel for a vehicle, generating a profile of the automobile’s behavior from the data it produces. For example, the act of refueling a vehicle can be automated around knowing a vehicle is at a service station, so all the driver needs to do is indicate a pump ID number via a smartphone or the car’s own media display system. The fuel pumped into the car will be paid for automatically. This can be particularly useful for fleet owners, simplifying the process of enabling services for drivers of their vehicles.
Car IQ Meets BlackBerry IVY
This ability to profile the car is why Pratz has been so excited about the partnership between Car IQ and BlackBerry to implement the service on the BlackBerry IVY™ platform. The integration of BlackBerry® technology into hundreds of millions of vehicles, and its ability to provide a secure environment to collect data from the vehicle’s sensors, combine to conclusively identify the car. This comprehensive ability to maintain 100% data provenance from car sensors enables the trust that is fundamental to financial transactions. Essentially, the car’s identity is confirmed reliably, in the same way as a secure credit card transaction can confirm the cardholder’s identity from their behavior pattern.
Initially, Car IQ’s technology will have the biggest impact with fleet operators. For instance, the technology can prevent fleet drivers from (ab)using their company refueling card for their own personal vehicles. This can account for as much as 7% of a fleet operator’s turnover, which could run up to billions of dollars for the largest fleets. Expenditures all go into a ledger in real time, providing much greater insight for the fleet operator. Car IQ can also make paying traffic citations seamless, avoiding the overhead when a fleet operator needs to locate and pay each citation individually across innumerable geographies and jurisdictions. A company managing hundreds of thousands of vehicles can benefit from huge time and cost savings this way.
For vehicle manufacturers, the system can also provide the ability to deliver a new car with a period of free fuel, tolling, or other services consumers want. This is just the beginning, though. Car IQ sees its OpenAPI enabling services such as paying for food or accommodations at a vehicle stop in the future. Using a car’s internal sensors, it is also possible for the vehicle to sense automatically how many occupants there are and whether the car qualifies for a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) toll discount on a highway.
Best of all, Car IQ is an OEM-grade service, so manufacturers can tailor it to their needs and provide a platform that generates revenue on every transaction. This delivers the financial cornerstone they require to transition from being car makers, to becoming service providers themselves.
As vehicles become “connected devices” and software-defined for their end users, having a seamless payment system at their basis is essential. Car IQ, enabled on the BlackBerry IVY platform, delivers exactly what manufacturers need to make this transition, easily and profitably.
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Podcast Transcript Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: We were also most known for creating Wi-Fi in the car. So, if you saw a TV commercial for either Wi-Fi in the car or using your phone to start your car, that was my company. Besides that, I was also a professional racecar driver. I spent a lot of time inside the car, if you will, and feel very fortunate that in my post racing career, I can still stay involved with automotive. A little-known tidbit is part of my retirement out of automotive was being fortunate enough to be on the board of the United States Auto Club. I’m involved with racing at a very high level now. We oversee almost 1,000 races across the country in the season – I still keep my hand in it a little bit. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: But it was a great experience because that enabled me to not only learn about technology, but it let me really learn about what I wanted to be in the future. I really enjoyed cars. I shared that passion with my grandfather and my parents. To be honest, I was very lucky as a kid. My dream was to race cars and I was very fortunate to get to live my dream. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: Then as I switch gears in today’s world, I obviously still like cars that are powered by either methanol or gasoline, but I also now really appreciate the EV environment. They bring a different attitude though. The cars don't make noise, they have tremendous acceleration right off the get-go. But the difference I find with an EV is, the EV is really ushered in the technology era, by the very nature of the fact that it's electric and you're plugging it into something to charge. They're also connected to the Internet right away. That Internet connectivity is bringing new services right into the car, and I think that’s good for all types of cars and all types of manufacturers. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: The car culture now is about the services in and around the car. That's what really excites people about their vehicle. I think where that’s gone or where it’s going, rather, is that it’s allowing people to extend their lives into another realm, so you can take all your content with you, you can have that home environment or the things that you like with you wherever you go. I think that’s good for the car industry - I really do. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: What I realized in that process was that car (owners) are already looking around for things to pay. Every single day we pay for fuel, tolling, parking, insurance, DMV, smog, and - what we’ve learned recently - a lot of tickets. What we figured out was, in the premise for Car IQ, not only are cars looking for things to pay for every day, but these things add up to a massive market. There's more than $400 million or $400 billion spent on fuel, parking, tolling and all that every year, and all of it using a credit card, right? That takes some sort of external service. You either take out a credit card, input it in your dash, input it in a phone app, or install a black box up into the top of your car so you can use it for toll roads. All these things I found about them were difficult, right? It required the consumer, the owner of the vehicle, to have to manage multiple systems just to maintain or manage that vehicle itself. I just really thought, "there’s gotta be an easier way to do that". Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: The result of that is now a car owner or fleet owner doesn't have to manage multiple credit cards, or multiple boxes inside the vehicle. They don't have to worry about which driver has a card, which one doesn't. They also don't have to worry about fraud. One of the aspects of when a car can communicate directly with the merchants, say a Shell gas station or Exxon or whoever it might be, is that the car now can communicate directly with that service and identify itself. There's an element of eliminating fraud inside of that. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: I'll never forget. I came in to meet the CIO of Citibank, Vanessa Colella, and I started telling her about what we were doing, how we were going to make it more secure, and how we want to create a new identity that the vehicle itself would own and would use to communicate with merchants and banks. She said, “That's fascinating.” She said there are already hundreds of millions of IoT machines out there asking for service. When I heard that, I sort of was taken aback by it. I asked her the question, "Well, how many of them are connected to the bank in paying for that service?" And she said, "Zero, because we don't trust them." Not a bank in the world trusts a machine to transact without some intermediary form of payment - like a credit card - to sit in the middle. That was the light bulb moment that I really needed. That was the motivation and the thought process I really needed to move forward. What we learned was that fraud is a really important step in this that you have to be able to mitigate or eliminate fraud in a transaction if you're going to get a customer to adopt a new way to pay. Our next stage that was not only did we realize we were on the right track on identity verification and how to enable a machine to communicate with the bank, but what we really started to do is rethink what a transaction looks like. What we realized was that if there’s no human in the process, you’re relying on a machine-to-bank or machine-to-merchant communication, so you had to figure out how to automate that system and make it secure so there couldn’t be any fraud. The first thing we figured out was that in a typical transaction today, there's a process called “Know Your Customer” (KYC), and it’s a human based identity verification process that every single one of us have gone through. Every time you go somewhere and buy something, it knows who Steve is, it knows the prior purchasing acts of Steve, and that this is the area Steve should be in. And then it allows you to transact. But when a machine transacts there was no method for that, right? 'Cause it’s not human. It’s a machine, so we invented a process called “Know Your Machine” (KYM), where we use the data from the machine and we created a behavioral curve around that data to enable that machine to communicate directly with the bank. But equally important, it allows the bank to trust that machine to transact. That became sort of the genesis in the beginning of Car IQ. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: But what’s interesting about it, is that it’s not done through an app. It’s simply the fact that we’re connected to the vehicle so we know when you enter a gas station, we can simply push to either your phone or to your dash, a pump ID. All you do is enter the pump number that you’re at, you put fuel in the car, and you drive away. It creates this whole new experience around purchasing that you can’t do with a phone or with a credit card today. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: The first and foremost thing that excited me was the ability to not only connect to the vehicle, but to connect directly to the sensors in the vehicle and use that sensor information to create a unique ID. That's important because it creates for the first time in history, data provenance. We literally will have 100% data provenance in a transaction because we can go from the sensor, all the way to the merchant, all the way to the transaction, in one fell swoop. And the number two thing that's important is the shift in liability. As soon as you know "who" that vehicle is, you now can shift liability away and transact – for lack of better words – a card-present type transaction which no machine can do today. We think that's really important for building a base. Today, it's all about cars paying for things. Using that data inside the vehicle to secure the identity of the vehicle and validate that vehicle has a service need. But two, I think it is also the base that we need to start adding financial services to the vehicle. So, imagine not only can vehicles pay for things, but we now have vehicles with a wallet associated with them. That means the vehicle can receive money and pay for things at the same time. We think that's really the future where automotive goes. Especially if you're a fleet manager where you have multiple drivers inside a vehicle. Instead of the company paying the driver and managing the vehicle itself, they can reverse that mechanism. They can now start allowing that vehicle to receive payments, so every time it drops off a package or drops off a customer, it's receiving the money. But then at the end of the day, it can then pay out what it's earned or who's earned, say the driver, fuel, and things like that. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: One of the attributes of a vehicle transacting is it's a natural real-time transaction. As soon as that car pays for fuel, pays for a toll or parking, it automatically goes into a real time ledger that the fleet operator can track. Imagine today they spend 30 to 90 days settling and accruing all their vehicle expenditures, and they really have kind of a high-level view of that. Now, it automatically goes into the ledger in real time, and they can actually go through and scan it and sort it by make, model, brands, delivery type, vehicle type, you name it. They can separate it out so it gives them a much more granular view of their payment history and what their expenditures really are. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: Then you have citation management. Something I didn't know anything about until about six months ago, when a customer raised their hand and said, hey, can you help us with this problem? We've got thousands and thousands of cars that are doing last minute delivery services in Los Angeles and there are 12 counties in Los Angeles, and the car typically will go through 12 counties over the course of one week, but it receives one to two tickets per week on average. The result of that is they spend anywhere from ten to twelve hours for every thousand cars, to find which county the car received the ticket, and to pay that ticket. It becomes kind of a massive overhead for them and expenditure for them. In our case, what we're starting to do is, they've started to figure out how to leverage our system to do real time payment capabilities. With our system, they can automatically see which county it received the ticket in and automatically pay that ticket. They cut it from ten to twelve hours, down to less than 30 minutes using the system. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: Two, we’re also an issuer. It allows the auto manufacturer to essentially white label our issuance and offer their own payment services to their customers. By doing that they can pick up a little revenue on every transaction. That's something that hasn't happened before for the manufacturer. They typically have branding relationships with a bank, which is a great relationship when you're extending a credit card to your customer. But in this case, the manufacturers are also rethinking what payments look like. Now they're realizing that using our platform in combination with BlackBerry, that they cannot only add payment services to the dash in the car, they can start looking at adding financial services to the overall platform of the vehicle. Cars can: one, pay for things like fuel and tolling and everything we talked about, but now the manufacturer can start offering it within the services or the loan of the vehicle as well. Imagine your car could come with six months’ worth of tolling, three months’ worth of fuel, whatever it might be, as an incentive to purchase that vehicle through them and that's what our platform now offers the capability to them to do. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: What we want to do is open up our APIs so that people can connect to any merchant globally, which we can do today. That process of open APIs in allowing that merchant to connect directly to our vehicles, will cut that three to five step process down to one, or even less, because a car can come preset with that merchant connectivity already in it. What we're seeing is there's a whole other world opening up. What other things do you want to purchase? We've already had people coming to us say, hey I'd like to write some API so that I can offer food services to fleet drivers, right? I know they're in a gas station, now I want to connect them to Loop so they can go inside the store and purchase food. We have truck drivers or trucking agencies that want to offer incentives to their drivers for on-time drop offs or waystation pickups, where they can now get showers or beds or things like that. We're just starting to see these types of thinking or these types of services coming to the surface. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: But here's the cool thing. Working with BlackBerry, we can actually go one step further. Tolling wasn't the big problem to solve, it was High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) systems. In this case, when you're attached to the sensors in the vehicle, you actually know how many people are in the car. You can automatically add HOV capabilities to that vehicle, and then the consumer can drive in any lane and cross that toll without having to worry. The tolling agency will have peace of mind because they know that car is HOV-legitimate. It's currently a huge challenge for the tolling agencies today. The second thing that's really important, and why merchants like us is, fuel is a good example. In our world, when a car drives into a gas station, as I mentioned earlier, we know it's there so we automatically could push a pump ID to it. But what happens in the background is probably equally important. We know "who" that car is. We know the last time it filled up. We know how big the gas tank is and we know how much fuel is in the tank. We can send that information to both the merchant and to the bank to say, "Hey, this car has a 10-gallon gas tank, but it only needs 5 gallons of gas", and it really mitigates the risk on the merchant side about how much they need to pump. The benefit to the bank in working with us is that when a treasury underwriting kicks in, meaning, "Hey, Steve just pulled into this gas station and he wants gas", we're gonna underwrite $125 in reserve and allow him to pump gas and close out the transaction. But imagine to the bank, every time Steve pops into a gas station, they have to send $125 dollars from their accounts into escrow. Imagine it's like a trillion dollars a day for some of the bigger banks. In our case, we could send a message to them that says, "Hey, Steve only needs 3 gallons of gas so instead of underwriting $125, you can underwrite $15". If you can start to imagine having access to this information, you'll see how everybody begins to benefit from it. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: This puts another layer of security on top of that platform, that not only blocks people from getting to it, but even if they do, there's actually nothing in there that someone could use to do nefarious things with. We think that's really important to not only consumer adoption, but it's also important to OEM and auto manufacturers’ adoption. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: What we've seen is the current providers of fuel cards, which there are three majors, they're very vocal that about the fact that 3% to 7% of the time, fraud exists. Imagine if you're generating $90 to $100 billion in revenue and 3% to 7% of that is fraudulent. That sort of gives you an idea of the scale of that market or that condition. Steve Kovsky: Sterling Pratz: I think the value to the consumer is simplification. I mean, right now the services that are offered through the dash require a lot of steps for the consumer and they have to download an app for each merchant. In our case, it totally simplifies that process. They just simply drive into the merchant, connect directly to them and it transacts without them having to pull out an app, use their phone, pull out a credit card or any cumbersome service at all. Steve Kovsky: |