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Breaking News: Broadcast Journalist Scoops Rivals with BlackBerry Classic

BLACKBERRY CLASSIC / 08.17.15 / Brea

Keyboards and writers go together like peanut butter and jelly. Both are perfect combinations that put smiles on the faces of those who indulge.

Don’t believe me? Check out this kid, then read these blog posts from journalists here, here, and here who never miss a beat with their BlackBerry devices.

harini rana broadcast journalist india

Harini Rana is another journalist who uses a BlackBerry to do her job, Rana, a broadcast sports reporter for the India Times, uses a BlackBerry Classic to cover athletes, games, and other sports-related events.

Rana has spent more than nine years in the sports and broadcast industry covering stories, including her favorite game of cricket.

(Read about other Classic fans, from this commercial photographer and this serial tech founder, this financial TV guru and this digital marketing agency CEO, to this Toronto Maple Leafs executive, this high-tech CTO, this retailer/app developer,  this club DJ and this fine arts photographer.)

Watts: What drew you to the BlackBerry Classic?

Rana: I’ve been a BlackBerry user since 2006. I need a device that really lets me stay connected to emails because as a broadcast journalist it’s quicker to type with a keypad than with a touchscreen.

I used to have a Bold but decided to upgrade my phone when the Classic was launched in India.

Watts: How does the BlackBerry Classic help you on the job? 

Rana: My work revolves around covering big news events, live press conferences, and sending my office breaking news as fast as it happens. All of this requires extensive writing and I use my BlackBerry Classic in various ways.

I’m constantly in communication via emails, texts, and BBM with colleagues and interview leads. When I’m attending a press conference, I’ll compose live transcripts and send them to our headquarters immediately. Having that keypad makes getting my job done that much easier than if I were using a touchscreen phone. The keyboard is one of the reasons why I prefer to stick with the BlackBerry Classic.

blue classic instagram

Watts: What projects have you completed recently?

Rana: I do almost all of my writing on the BlackBerry Classic, so it’s involved in every project I work on. But most recently I attended a very crucial press conference and used the Classic to send story quotes to my office. I regularly travel to cover sports events and my BlackBerry Classic is right there with me to get the scoop.

Watts: How has it affected your productivity?

Rana: My BlackBerry Classic keeps me productive because it’s the most convenient way to get my stories done and manage communications with my team and interview subjects.

Classic_Black-WhiteWatts: What features do you enjoy most?

Rana: The BlackBerry Hub, for sure. It makes life simple because I can access all of my tabs, texts, and emails with one touch. The Hub lets you have one relevant tab that stays open and displays everything else that you need. I also live for the Priority Hub option; it helps me stay on top of important stories and deadlines.

Pricing and Availability

Ready to see how easy typing is on the BlackBerry Classic? Indian consumers can check out where to buy a Classic or other devices here.

In the U.S., you can own an unlocked Classic for just $344.99. You can also get the Classic via T-Mobile for zero down and $18.33 a month for 24 months. Verizon and AT&T offer similar deals. In Canada, look to carriers such as Bell, Telus, Rogers, and others for good deals.

U.S. and Canadian consumers also may buy unlocked Classics directly from ShopBlackBerry. I also recommend regularly checking here for availability in your region. (Note that pricing differs per market.)


About Brea

Brea Watts is a lifestyle blogger with a hint of content and social media marketing expertise. She's also an occasional contributor to the BlackBerry Business Blog, and a Bay Area native who loves cooking and creativity.