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Announcing New Partnerships to Increase Size and Diversity of Malaysian Cyber Workforce

The Cybersecurity landscape faces some critical challenges. Not only are we experiencing a rise in cyber threats, but we lack enough skilled people in the workforce to stem the tide. Right now, around the world, millions of cybersecurity roles are vacant, and there is an acute shortage of women in cyber.

I am thrilled to announce that BlackBerry, Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst, and the SANS Institute are working together to do our part, to address these issues through the new Cybersecurity Center of Excellence in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, due to officially open its doors next week.

The opening of this Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (CCoE) marks another major milestone in BlackBerry’s landmark cybersecurity agreement with the government of Malaysia, which is currently deploying our full suite of trusted BlackBerry® cybersecurity solutions. At the CCoE, BlackBerry and our valued partners will upskill the Malaysian workforce and expand the capacity of cybersecurity training in the region.

Expanding the Size of Malaysia's Cybersecurity Workforce

Following our recent partnership announcement with SANS Institute, we have already conducted the first training session at the CCoE from March 11-16, along with a fantastic SANS networking event. It was exciting to see such incredible engagement from the community at the center.

Today, we are expanding our education partnership offering, with a new partnership with Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst ("the Catalyst"), Toronto Metropolitan University's national center for cybersecurity training, research, and innovation.  The Catalyst's renowned CLIC (Certifications for Leadership in Cybersecurity) program will be available for the first time in Malaysia with the first online cohort starting in May.

Mohamed Lachemi, President and Vice-Chancellor, Toronto Metropolitan University explains why the partnership between BlackBerry and the Catalyst is so critical. "As we continue to champion global cyber resilience, this exciting venture reinforces our commitment to fostering innovation, collaboration, and excellence in cybersecurity. Together with BlackBerry, we are shaping a secure digital future for individuals and organizations worldwide."

The CLIC program is exemplary, focusing on practical certification and leadership development. Successfully securing today's complex digital environments requires not only technical expertise but also effective communication, critical thinking, and a holistic view of cyber that incorporates business objectives.

Increasing the Diversity of Malaysia's Cyber Workforce

To support closing the gender gap in the Malaysian cybersecurity industry and career growth for Malaysian women, the Catalyst is also teaming up with the SANS Institute to provide full scholarships to three qualified Malaysian women candidates. The CLIC Malaysia program will commence online in May 2024, with registration now open.  

"This initiative not only champions the professional development of Malaysia's female cyber-warriors but also sets a benchmark for inclusive excellence in cybersecurity education and career readiness globally," says Matthias Chia, Director of Strategy & Business Development, Asia Pacific, SANS Institute. Chia added, "At the forefront of cybersecurity workforce development, SANS proudly pioneers extensive initiatives that carve out opportunities for women aiming for career advancement within this critically in-demand field."

BlackBerry's Commitment to Malaysia

New threats and vulnerabilities are emerging daily. Having qualified professionals who understand effective security strategies is mission critical. Through collaborative efforts between industry and academia, we can help close this gap and better equip existing and future workforces with the advanced skills societies require.

With access to best-in-class training, cutting-edge cyber ranges, and mentorship from seasoned professionals, Malaysian participants stand to gain immensely. Through the new CCoE, the country will benefit from an enhanced security posture and a robust domestic talent pool. When it opens next week, the CCoE will become a hub for collaboration and an inspiration for other countries seeking to amplify their own cyber defenses.

Working together can help close critical cybersecurity skills gaps and better secure our shared digital future. Our interconnected world depends on it.

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Karyn Mank

About Karyn Mank

Karyn Mank is Senior Director, Sales Training at BlackBerry, and leads course development at the BlackBerry Cybersecurity Center of Excellence in Malaysia